Salón de Actos
- Track Opening. Educational Innovation. (09:00-09:10). Ángel Fidalgo and María Luisa Sein-Echaluce.
- Virtual Exchange in Engineering to realize a learning experience based on projects using ICTs (09:10-09:20). Maria Fernández Raga, Thierry Villard, Covadonga Palencia, Ana María Castañón, Julio Viejo and Fernando Gómez-Fernández.
- Practice-based teacher education: a literature mapping over the past five years (09:20-09:30). Kiomi Matsumoto-Royo and María-Soledad Ramírez-Montoya.
- The Adoption of Learning Experience Design Tools in Classroom Planning Activity: A Systematic Literature Review (09:30-09:40). Leandro Queiros, Yves Bouckaert, Izautino Oliveira, Francisco Oliveira, Fernando Moreira and Alex Gomes.
- Mathematical Modeling in the Educational Field: A Systematic Literature Review (09:40-09:50). Jaqueline Acebo and Ruth Rodríguez.
- Visual Technologies for Urban Design Competences in Architecture Education (09:50-10:00). Monica V. Sanchez-Sepulveda, Nuria Marti-Audi and David Fonseca.
- Enhancing Students’ Academic Performance through Teamwork and Classroom Response Systems: Case Study with Chinese Students (10:00-10:10). Xiaochen Yang, Jia Fu, Francisco Rodríguez-Sedano and Miguel A. Conde-González.
- Factors that adults attribute for finishing a xMOOC on energy sustainability (10:10-10:20). José Antonio Canchola González and Leonardo David Glasserman Morales.
- Discussion (10:20-11:00).
- Coffee Break (11:00-11:30).
- An instrument for evaluating the innovation of an educational platform: Reliability piloting (11:30-11:40). Abel García-González and María-Soledad Ramírez-Montoya.
- The Role of Student’s Self-actualization in Adapting to the e-Learning Environment (11:40-11:50). Olga D. Shipunova, Irina P. Berezovskaya and Natalia B. Smolskaia.
- General versus specific recipients for online training courses. Evaluating an experience on basic mathematics for engineers (11:50-12:00). Susana Nieto and Higinio Ramos.
- Impact indicators of educational innovations based on active methodologies (12:00-12:10). Ángel Fidalgo, María Luisa Sein-Echaluce and Francisco José García Peñalvo.
- A method to propose good practices of teaching educational innovation (12:10-12:20). María Luisa Sein-Echaluce, Ángel Fidalgo, Francisco José García Peñalvo and Ana María Balbín.
- Breaking down barriers to facilitate that university teachers create audio-visual learning materials (12:20-12:30). Ana María López, Ana Cristina Mancho and María Luisa Sein-Echaluce.
- Development of a toolkit for a mentoring program (12:30-12:40). Harold Tinoco-Giraldo, Eva Maria Torrecilla Sánchez and Francisco Jose García Peñalvo.
- The virtual collaborative work and the development of intercultural competences in university student’s (12:40-12:50). Ximena Álvarez.
- Discussion (12:50-13:30).